Monday, February 20, 2012

My Top Ten

Pinnacle Leaders are technology leaders within the school.  Why should someone want to do this?  We don't get paid for it and are expected to take time out of our days to help others!  Well here are my top ten reasons I became a Pinnacle Leader...

10. We receive GREAT resources for my classroom
9.  It was a goal I set for my self within my first 3 years of teaching and I wanted to accomplish it.
8.  We get to see how others in the county use technology in thier classrooms.
7.  We are a leader within the school setting.
6.  We are able to learn new technology and try it out in my classroom.
5.  We also learn how to teach others through workshops and trainings.
4.  I REALLY enjoy technology and learning new things that can be used in my classroom.
3.  We have opportunities to be apart of "Pilot" groups to try new things and give feedback.
2.  We get to meet and collaborate with other tech-savvy people to spruce up my lessons.
1.  We have opportunities to help others use technology in thier classrooms.

These 10 reasons by far out weigh the other negative comments at the top!