Sunday, January 22, 2012

A letter to.....ME

I usually try to be creative and have my own blogs to post but I liked the idea given to us from a tech facilitator.  If I could write a letter to myself as a first year teacher, what would it say? Here goes...

Dear Newbie,

The first and most important thing I want to tell you is that you are here for the kids.  Don't forget that!  It will be so easy to get caught up in worrying about what everyone else thinks of you and your teaching.  Don't worry about what they think.  Do what you need to do for your students.  Now, with this said, don't get caught up with those being just YOUR kids.  Yes, they have your name by the homeroom section of their cumulative folders but they should be cared for by other teachers as well.  In turn, you need to help/work with the other students in the school as well.  You will later be introduced to something called PLCs.  LIVE BY THEM!!! They will help you and the school to succeed.

Personally, you need to make friends and be friendly.  Try not to get caught up in the gossip and wrapped up in the drama.  There will be LOTS!!  You can be friendly and sociable without being a gossip queen. 

Parents will be scary at first but you can handle them.  Don't let them get you discouraged.  They should be there to help you, not scare you.  Parents are just part of the team that will help make the students succeed.  Another partnership you will need is the janitor!! :)  Be best friends with him!!  You never know when you will need that little favor done so a little courtesy goes a long way!

I'm sure there are other points of advice I could give you but these will definitely get you started.  Keep your head up, there will be BAD days but you will see that it is all worth it in the end.  Take each day as it comes!

Good Luck,

Your More Experienced Self